Tuesday, March 31, 2015



This video was created in 2009, when my oldest son Aqib was 3 years old. In order to upload this video on YouTube, first I logged into the site, then I uploaded the video from my desktop. The interesting part was when YouTube suggested to edit my video because of the shakiness.  I agreed YouTube edit it for better quality purpose. It took almost 10 minutes. Afterwards it gave me option to save it. And WALA....the video was uploaded.

Monday, March 30, 2015


Creativity comes from original ideas or within our imagination. People can be more creative with combination of external materials as well as internal materials. Simply it means you can be creative within your reach or out side of your reach. This topic would be focusing on external material. For example, the New York Times published an article about "Disney Tolerates a Rap Parody of Its Critters. But Why?"  In which a rapper boy name Soulja Boy created a mashup YouTube video "Crank That" song, where he used Disney animated characters like Winey the Poo and SpongeBob SquarePants characters from Nickelodeon to create his rap song and publish on YouTube. It is illegal act, because according to Disney's copyright content, the company can sue anyone who copy their material or property without their permission. In this case they could have sued YouTube for property theft, since YouTube allowed the video to be published without Disney's authorization. In this rear situation Disney didn't do anything about it. Matter effect the corporate has $1 billion dollars of pending lawsuit against Google (YouTube's owner) for other issues. Yet, they let it go for this matter, because the song was global phenomena. It reached out to those part of the world where Disney or Nickelodeon wouldn't be able to reach without the new media like YouTube. It had 7 million of viewers for the song "Crank That" and it was No. 1 song of the Billboard top 100 hot songs chart. Therefore, it shows how people can be creative through external material.

Sunday, March 22, 2015


    Virtual world is one of the increasing innovations that people are embracing slowly in their personal life as well as public life. It is a three-dimensional world where mankind is capable of doing anything, obviously with rules and regulation. It can be use in various way, for example, "virtual worlds in education, in delivery services, or as an advanced from of tele-healthcare that offers so much more than videoconferencing. It also gives us social connectivity, built-in support groups, and ways to avoid ever being alone again."
     It also comes with its pro and cons attach to it. In virtual world, people enhance their imagination by connection and developing ideas with others. It is a great scope for communication, social encounter, potentially improve operators' skill without making mistakes in real world, unlimited freedom, and many more. Biocca and Levy mentioned in their book that, "VR will provide a communication environment in which the danger of deception and the benefits of creativity are amplified beyond the levels that humans currently experience in their interpersonal interactions." Also people will feel worthless, low self-esteem, or even self-destructive acts when it comes to virtual worlds.
     Yet it promotes creativity, because of its distinctive domain. Where people can be benefited commercially, medically and educationally in the Virtual Worlds. Commercially, business organization can advertise their products, cut down business trip expenses, learn customer reaction toward a new product, practice medical and nursing skills, and not to mention how the Universities have been creating classrooms and campuses in virtual worlds to cut down many expenses. It can be fostered with endless creativity, which opened up many other possibility for others.
    Virtual worlds are still unknown among many people. In the Forbes website Jacki Morie mentioned, "the Second Life phenomenon gave virtual worlds a bad name; it was too early to make a business out of it any large-scale sense." Minecraft game is exceptional, which is the only game was recognized among children. The virtual worlds yet to need target specific demographic section and have to be more innovative that haven't been represented before to up raise its business.

Work Cited

 1. Mehta, Diane. "After Second Life, Can Virtual Worlds Get a Reboot?" Forbes.com. 30 Apr. 2013. Web. 21 Mar. 2015. <http://www.forbes.com/sites/ericsavitz/2012/08/13/3d-video-technology-moving-far-beyond-hollywood/>.
2. Biocca, F., & Levy, M. R. (1995). Virtual reality as a communication system. In F. Biocca & M. R. Levy (Eds.), Communication in the age of virtual reality.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Blog about Twitter

Twitter vs. Blackboard.
Twitter is informal and blackboard is formal. We can relax and express our feelings through social media and we can share it with the world, but blackboard discussion is more private and only student in particular class can access that discussion. I feel like in twitter we can discuss about anything, which is unlimited topics, but in blackboard in class discussion are limited, and topics are provided by the professor. Not to mention how twitter is easily accessible and easily trackable by @ before name and # before the topic. In the other had, blackboard is not available to everyone. We need school ID to access such a site. But both can be benefited.


Personally I have been using many social networking sites; Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Blogger. But I ritually use Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and now Twitter.  
Facebook is ultimate place to create online community around personal life and businesses. I have friends and family member on Facebook, Instagram and twitter from different part of the world. I think this is the best way to keep in touch with you family member and close friends whom has great geographical distance. I don’t have to buy phone card or pay for extra phone service like Voyage to communicate with them. It delivers current news from all over the world, which is why I don’t watch news on the TV or need to read news on the paper; money and time efficiency. But the differences are Facebook is the ultimate package comes with picture uploading to many other things, in which Instagram is more trendier among young generation because it ability to capture time in many different way. Twitter is the site that provides a fast-paced way to keep in touch with the targeted people. Specially when any questions or concerns in the media goes wrong, we can quickly respond with a tweet, which was impossible 10 to 12 years ago.
And when it comes to youtube, it is a great source to upload videos. It also entertains by different types of music videos, workout videos, news, movies, and many other things. Not to mention how cheap and easily accessible outlet is for us to express our own creativity, whether we are making videos or doing 'mashups' for other people's videos. 
At the end it enhance our ability to be more current and be autonomous about our thoughts and words. 

Monday, March 9, 2015

Social Networking

There are many social networking sites that can be use many ways including corporate and personal. As we all know, few of the sites are Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Myspace, and many more. These sites can be very advantageous as well as distraction to the world. For example, Facebook has great advantages from the corporate point of view, where company is seeking for targeting audience to promote advertisement that showed interest about the item in their search engine. It can also be used for organizing public event by creating invitation page. Many employers are looking for employees’ Facebook account to find out more information about their persona life and past careers. LinkedIn also is great place for job haunting. It helped many employees to prepare their resume, and introduce and attract employers to plot in the profession the employee desire. One of the biggest disadvantage of social network is loss of privacy. When an employer looks information of an employee through Facebook and judge the employee for wrongdoing before even get to know the person then it’s not only loss of privacy but they are also being unfair to the employee. In one of the recent event the Delta Airline had fired an air hostage only because she posted a picture in her blog with the Delta Airline pin. Such a right of action can be very crucial to the employee and unjustified. The Airline company should have worn the employees about these critical issues otherwise it will be impossible to keep a job. Nevertheless, all technologies has there good side and the bad. There is no reason for humankind to stop inventing new innovation only because it might have bad side to it. Otherwise we won’t be able to be her where technology is everything.







Tuesday, March 3, 2015


After creating Blog and Wiki, I came to in conclusion that blogs are more likely to express someone's opinion, kind of informal and wikis are more formal in sense that the information are given on a specific topic. why this is important of convergence in today's networked world? It is an essential part of our life because it opened many doors for us and closed it as well. Wikis are known as the world's largest encyclopedia and it's free. People puts information with ease and other get benefit form it. But at a time it can be distractive because its flexibility to change the information. In the other hand, blogs are important for personal use as well as for professional use. Blogs can be created for your own enjoyment. For example I can create a blog about my travel experience but I can't do that with wiki because it will create conflict of opinion. Also in blogs you have more authority then wiki so it's easier to control on inappropriate comments and thoughts. Since blog can be edited only by the blogger but in the wiki's case any one can edit wiki. Blogs and wikis can be use for collaboration as well. Such Technology gives us the opportunity to develop our imagination and thought and other can contribute to it by comment and be opinionated in the blog. it can help a teacher to give a opinion about student, for example, in a teacher confessions blog, I was reading an article about teacher's thought I which the teacher mentioned 9 things she wish people knew about highly-gifted children. It can be helpful to many parents to know and understand about their children's behavior. Same way wiki can be helpful in professional world to do there project, history info, and statics about a topic. Honestly I can't thing of anything that wiki haven't come up with or hasn't done it yet. May be we have to wait until the next invention to create new use for wiki.
